The Heart Leads The Way~ January 2012 Newsletter

Happy New Year~ I hope that your holiday season was beautiful, blissful and filled with joy. 2012 has arrived and with it a sense of awakening, wellness and acceptance. Entering a new calendar year can often bring with it a sense of beginnings, of strength, and of excitement~ seeds to be planted and intentions to be nurtured. Things are moving quickly all around us in the universe these days, great awakenings are happening every moment and the time is ripe for growth in leaps and bounds. Enjoy the freshness of this year, and a clean slate.  Believe that all you desire and all you are here for is not only possible, but is happening~ jump in and enjoy the journey:) Let go of any fear~ remember the time is now~ And Now Is AMAZING:)

Things are beautiful here at Ananda Ayurveda~ I had a relaxed holiday season at The Hawthorn, and have been enjoying the dark, winter rainy days. January offerings continue, with another marvelous Ayurvedic Cooking Class on Sunday, January 29~ they are always such a joy to take part in~ lots of learning, and lots of fun:) Yoga is ongoing~Mondays and Wednesdays at the beautiful Oceanfront Suites in Cowichan Bay~ A great class filled with spirit, energy and bliss.  And as always the regular offerings here at The Hawthorn~ Beautiful Ayurvedic Body Therapies, Ayurvedic Consultations, Jyotish Astrology, Intuitive Counseling and Tarot Readings

The Heart Leads The Way

The New Year always brings with it intentions and resolutions~ ideas of what we would like to create in our life and in our universe. It is a magical time where the entire human consciousness allows us to believe that we can change, we can start new patterns, and we can open to the opportunities of anything and everything. These opportunities and this magic is available to us at any time, at every moment but for some reason on January 1 it feels like a new starting point, on a much larger scale.
I feel that in these times of universal change, perhaps one of the biggest intentions that I have brought into my being is to connect more fully with my heart energy. To shift the attention from the mind, into my spirit and to allow spirit to guide me. Trusting fully that I am supported in each and every way, that life is graceful, and that there is nothing to fear. To allow my connections with each and every being to be rich and present, knowing that each being is just a reflection of myself. To believe that I am here for a reason, and that if I surrender to my spirit, the flow will guide me into each and every moment, taking me exactly where I need to be~ at all times. Control is an illusion, a trick of the mind. Life can be a wild ride sometimes, but what a magnificent adventure it is, and I intend to jump into it, living each breath as it comes, riding each wave with acceptance, and most of all staying open to all possiblities. The heart shines brightly, leading us through the darkest times, always glowing with a unique brilliance. This heart light is with us always, and it is not something that is separate from us, it IS us.. and my intention is to walk within that light even more completely~ in grace, in gratitude, and most of all in love. I invite you, if you haven’t already, to look at what you have imagined possible for yourself, to feel your intentions, and then to bring them into active being. Trust that you can be all that you intend, and whatever that is to walk with it in Love.


In Ayurvedic Cooking, we can help to bring balance to our bodies with different tastes. In winter when it is cold and dry, cooking with sweet, sour and salty food we can bring a little bit of warmth, and moisture to our beings, here on the west coast where it can be quite damp at this time of year, foods that are more pungent are also a great addition to the diet. Also our bodies often start to long for the fresh green vegetables from springtime and summer, salads are not the most easily digestible food for us in the winter. This month I am happy to share with you a warm rubbed kale quinoa salad, and a immunity boosting spice mix~ that is great for the winter season.

Rubbed Kale Quinoa Salad

An amazing salad~ and wonderful for this time of year, you can serve it with warm quinoa, and the kale gets broken down as you massage your energy into it, making it easily digestible, and very very tasty:) The garlic, is heating, and a powerful antioxidant~ so a great supplement in moderation to the Ayurvedic Diet at cool, moist time of the year.

1 bunch kale torn in bite size pieces
1 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup chopped almonds

1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbs Sesame Oil
1 Tbsp. Tamari
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 Tbs Honey
1 Clove Garlic, finely chopped

Combine dressing ingredients, stir, pour on kale and massage with hands to break down the heavy fibers of the kale. Add quinoa and almonds and season to taste.

Feel free to add in any other vegetables of your choice~ or leave it as it is. A very addictive and healthy addition to any meal:)

Winter Spice Mix
4 Tbs Turmeric
3 Tbs Ground Cumin
3 Tbs Ground Coriander
4 Tbs Ground Fennel
1 Tbs Powdered Ginger
1 Tbs Ground Black Pepper
1/4 Tbs Ground Cinnamon
1/4 Tbs Ground Cardamom

Mix all of the spices together, and store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Use with stir fried vegetables, lentils, rice, or just about anything you would like to try it with. If you can, its best to buy the cumin, coriander, fennel, Black pepper, and cardamom seeds, and then grind them yourself in a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder. It only takes a few minutes, and the aromatics and energy of the spices are even more potent:)

Yoga Asana Of The Month

Ananda Balasana~ Happy Baby Pose

Lets start the New Year out with joy~ opening our hearts, releasing our lower backs, and creating energy flow and awareness in our sacral center and hips. Ananda Balasana is also very calming to our mind and our nervous system. Connect with the joy of your inner child as you breathe and relax in this joyful asana. Great by itself or a wonderful addition to include in your regular practice before savasana.


  1. Start by lying on your back. Take a few minutes to allow your body to relax, and your mind to transition to the space of yoga. Feel free to take a deep inhale and then opening your mouth, exhale and release any tension that you have been storing in your body. Then slowly start to bring attention to your breath, breathing deeply, inhaling and exhlaing through the nostrils. Enjoy this time of softening, relaxation, and rest that you are giving yourself. Allowing fresh energy and oxygen to enter your body, and knowing that with each exhale you are allowing all that is not needed to leave.
  2. When you feel a strong relaxed breath flowing through you. Bring your knees up to your chest on an inhale. Give yourself a big hug. Wrapping your arms around your legs. Perhaps you want to roll from side to side giving yourself a nice lower back massage. Enjoy. Take as long as you like with this.
  3. Exhaling release the knees and allow them to open, slightly wider than your torso, so that they have moved towards the armpits. They are still bent, soles of the feet are facing the sky.
  4. Inhaling, grasp the insides of both the feet with your hands. Bringing each ankle over the knee. Your shins should be perpendicular to the floor. Press down with your hands, as you press up with your feet creating a nice balance of resistance. Breathe deeply and fully.
  5. Relax into the posture for 30 seconds to a minute~ if you would like to stay longer, let the resistance go, and just enjoy full breathing and gentle opening for as long as you like.
  6. To come out of the asana exhale and gently release both legs to the floor. Shake the legs out. Take a few breathes, then repeat~ or take a reclining spinal twist before allowing yourself to float in savasana

Upcoming Events

Oceanview Yoga
Oceanfront Suites Cowichan Bay
Monday and Wednesday Afternoons~ 4:00-5:30
All Levels Welcome
Hatha Yoga-Mixed Level Classes
Flow with your breath. Connect with your spirit. Move into your being. More yin than power yoga these classes are great for all levels of yogi, offering a challenge to those more experienced, yet very accessible to the beginner. Flowing at times, we learn to be with our breath, our body, and our thoughts as we melt into the asanas. Experiencing the moment, opening the heart and the mind, and accepting the energy of being where we are, at the same time creating strength, stamina, and flexibility. Always infused with spirit and bliss, and lots of smiles:) Yoga poses, pranayama, and relaxation are all experienced in these classes.
$10 drop in
Call 250 597 3973

Ayurvedic Cooking Class ~ January 2012
At The Hawthorn
Sunday, January 29

Join us for a wonderful adventure in Ayurvedic Cooking. Learn to make amazing organic vegetarian meals, according to Ayurvedic principles. This month our menu is warming to the soul~ perfect for the cool, wet rainy days we are having. These classes are always so much fun~ Fill your mind with knowledge, your spirit with joy and your belly with amazing food:)

This months provisional menu~ Subject to change on availability of fresh, organic produce. (and the whim of the chef)

Curried Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
Baghar Baingan (Baked Stuffed Eggplant~with a spicy nut sauce
Black Bean Patty With Carrot Cardamom Jus
Spiced Kheer (Rice Pudding)~ with saffron, cashews and spices
Mystery Chutney
Cardamom Fennel Tea

Call 250 597 3973 to reserve your space- limited to 6

As always, So much gratitude to you all for taking the time to read this, for your support and for your energy. I wish you all a very auspicious and joyous January~
Remember~ As we open our beings, to all that is possible, we spread our wings, to fly with our hearts~ embodying and enjoying all and everything in the universe~
Namaste and Much Love

September Newsletter ~ Everything In Its Perfect Time

Happy September:)  I hope that you are all well and wonderful and have enjoyed the beauty of the last month.  It has been a wonderful time here at The Hawthorn, sunny skies, abundant gardens, and a softening into the seasons as the long days start to shorten, dewy mornings precede hot afternoons, and manifestations of intentions and dreams continue to unfold.  Beautiful moments of yoga by the sea, picking cherries, rafting down the Cowichan River (truly exhilarating and a great teacher about fear and letting go), connecting with old friends, and sharing energy with so many wonderful people.  I feel truly blessed:)
As we enter September we begin to move into a bit more of a vata season (drier, and cooler), but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the summer pitta energy will still hang around for a bit.  As we enter a changing of seasons its a great time to slow down a bit, and check in with what we need, see what can bring more balance to our being.  Notice if there are different desires, or energy levels, perhaps you are craving different foods, or exercises~ and adjust to what suits you for the moment or the time.  Enjoy these last days of summer, and start to open to the coming autumn~  and of course Enjoy Every Moment:)

I am excited to announce some wonderful new events and specials this month, as well as the continuation of some old ones.   I would also like to remind everyone about the amazing experience of Ayurvedic Massage, Abyhanga. Treat yourself to a blissful, balancing, restorative 90 minutes~ for only $90.  As the monthly special I am offering  Tarot Readings for $30 a half hour reading, a wonderful 25% savings, great in person or by distance on skype or by phone:)  Yoga In Cowichan Bay is continuing for the month of September, weather permitting~ Classes are Thursdays, 4-5:30pm, and Saturdays 10-11:30am, such a wonderful place to enjoy yoga~ look at the ocean, feel the breeze and float with your being.  I am also introducing a New Yoga Class that begins on Wednesday, October 5 at the Duncan Recreation Center~ pre registration is great, and if I get enough students drop ins are more than welcome.  Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30, $80 for 8 classes, and wonderful for all levels:)  I am taking a break from cooking this month, so the next Cooking Class will be October 23, menu will be announced closer to the date, mark your calendars~ and fee free to pre-register.   Also Coming in October~ weekly meditation evenings, and Yoga Nidra.

“Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I’m enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I’m going. Content where I am, and eager for more”~ Abraham Hicks

In my yoga classes I always try to weave in a sense of spirit for the day~ the source of this can range from happenings in my daily life, to sharing lessons from a spiritual teacher, or perhaps a gift of knowledge from a friend.   I worked with this beautiful quote from Abraham Hicks the other day, and a student asked me to share it in my newsletter, so here we are:)

When you have a few minutes I invite you to take this energy in, and to read these few sentences out loud to yourself.   Then take a moment to sit with the energy that you have just invited into your being.  Ask yourself, does this ring true for me?  Am I content where I am?  Is everything happening in its perfect time?  Am I enjoying where I am at now?
Often as the wonderful human beings we are, we are constantly waiting, pushing, hoping, rushing through things, wishing the outcome would happen “now”. When we come to a standstill, or a period that seems to be blocked, a time of stillness and waiting~ which can be quite uncomfortable, often our minds and our beings are thinking, whats wrong, this is never going to happen, what can I do to fix it, to move it along.  Perhaps its just perfect.  Perhaps the stillness, the slowness needs to happen,  allowing the universe to come together to support it/you.
Often times I think that its the hardest when we are still, after putting out so much energy and joy into bringing our manifestations into being~ the greatest lessons can happen here in our discomfort, in our “waiting” period.  Instead of stepping into the ego and the mind, instead of jumping into the doubts, the disbelief that all is manifesting~ see if you can come to the understanding and the trust that it is all perfect in every way, as its whats happening.  And isn’t what happens perfect?
That is not to say that its not important to water those seeds of intention that we have placed in our heart, to be “eager” for what we are here to do. But eagerness, is not the same as discontentment in the now, in the present.  Do you feel content where you are right now? In this space, in this time? Do you enjoy whatever it is you are experiencing?  Even the challenges?
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t the ups and the downs, the joys and the pains.  The ebb and the flow of life is endless, and the balance of it all is perfection.  It is such a gift to be here, to experience all and everything that is happening, in these human forms.  When we can step out of the mind, step out of the future, and embrace the perfection that we are~ even with all the little imperfections that our human minds can say, we and life have~ when we can feel the wonder of each moment~ to trust that all is absolutely just fine and to know with certainty that everything is happening in its own time, peace and contentment will be there.  And that eagerness, that excitement for what is, will grow as we continue to plant and water the seeds of our personal garden, a garden that touches and affects everything in the universe.


As the seasons start to change, notice that you may be drawn to different foods, more hearty, warmer, and sweeter~  Harvesting apples and pears, maybe even some squash and pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, and beets, foods that are more grounding in their energy.   Enjoy their tastes, their energies and the qualities that they bring to your meals, balancing out the fresh summery salads, salsas, and lighter foods that you are filling your belly with.  A wonderful time of harvest with such abundance of vegetables and fruits to delight our taste buds.  I thought this month I would share a wonderful Bengali Apple Chutney, that warms the belly and brings the taste of autumn to our being, as well as a lighter rice noodle salad, great with garden vegetables, and wonderful on those days when we are too busy outside in the light, to spend much time in the kitchen.

Bengali Apple Chutney
½ tsp sunflower oil
¼ tsp mustard seeds
¼ tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fresh green chili, finely diced
1 Tbs ginger root, peeled and minced
¼ tsp turmeric
2 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
2 cups Granny Smith apples, peeled and cubed
1 ½ Tbs fresh lemon juice
¼ tsp sea salt
2 Tbs evaporated cane juice

Heat oil in saucepan on medium- high heat, add mustard and cumin seeds and let pop.  Add green chili, ginger and turmeric.  After 20 seconds add all remaining ingredients.  Turn down to medium- low heat, cover and cook until apples soften and break down, about 20 minutes… Serve warm.

Rice Noodle Salad
Quick, easy and versatile, as well as nutritious and filling.  I have been enjoying this salad with whatever vegetables are fresh from the garden~ it is different every time and always delicious:)

2 Tbs Olive Oil
Package of vermicelli rice noodles-
Water- Enough To Cover the Noodles
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp coriander seeds
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp turmeric
½ Tbs Fresh Ginger Root chopped
½ Lemon
Salt and Pepper to taste
¼ cups seeds of your choice (Sunflower, Pumpkin, Sesame)

Mix Of Vegetables (can be anything your heart/stomach desires)
1 leek
1 carrot
1 handful green beans
1 cup broccoli
2 cups chopped green chard
1 small zuchinni, or 2 small pattipans
Fresh Cilantro

1.  Take the rice noodles and place them in a large bowl, I usually use about ½ pound (1/2 package).  Bring water to a boil.  Cover the noodles with boiling water and let sit 10 minutes.
2.  In a pan heat 1 Tbs of olive oil on medium heat, add the dry spices and let cook for 2 minutes or so.  Add the leek, and cook until it is soft (about 2 more minutes).  Add the rest of the vegetables and lightly cook for about 5 minutes, adding the ginger in at the end.
3.  Strain the noodles in a colander, place back in the bowl, and then mix with all of the vegetables.
4.  Toast seeds lightly in a small pan, until brown, then add to the salad mix
5.  Drizzle remaining olive oil over the salad, and the squeeze half a lemon or a lime over that.  Salt and pepper to taste, as well as ½ cup of a chopped fresh herb (cilantro, dill, basil)
6.  Enjoy then, or let rest for a few hours.  Great both ways!

Yoga Asana Of The Month

Virabhadrasana 1 ~ Warrior 1

Virabhadrasana allows us to connect with our own inner warrior.  Its a wonderful opportunity to dive in and experience your own power,  feel the rooted earth energy streaming up through your feet, let your breath flow through your open heart, and lift your arms to the sky, embracing the the universal sky energy.  This is an energizing and strengthening posture~ Very grounding to vata energy, balancing kapha to kapha as well~ giving a spark of pitta energy to our being.

As always take a moment or two in a comfortable lying down or seated position to relax the body and the mind.  Taking a few deep breaths to ground and to center, to come in to awareness of the moment and of your being.

1.  Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose.  Feet hip width apart, arms by your sides,  heart is opened, neck is relaxed.  Take a deep breath or two here.   Totally rooted in your being.  Feeling your power and your energy.

2.  Inhaling take a wide step to your right, the right foot will be facing the back of the mat.  the left foot will be turned out slightly, both heels are on the ground. Hips will be facing forward.  Exhale, and taking a deep inhale ground through the feet, feel your balance, your strength.

3.  Exhale and bend the right knee as far as you can comfortably go.  As you inhale lift your arms over head palms facing towards each other.  If you like you can press the palms together~ roll the shoulders back so that the heart can open fully.  If the hands are apart maybe imagine a beautiful ball of energy or sunlight between them.
4.  Breathe deeply, sinking further into this strong, supported asana with each exhale, and allowing each inhale to fill you with light, as you lengthen through the torso.  Filling your being with fresh energy, connecting with your own inner warrior.

5.  This is a very energized posture, try to stay for at least 5 deep breaths if it is your first time, longer if you have been here before or if it feels comfortable.  When the mind starts to wander, bring it back to your breath.  Root through the feel and extend through the body.  Alive, energized and at peace.

6.  To come out of the asana take a deep inhale and straighten the right leg, turn both feel to the outside (long) edge of the mat, release the arms, take a few breaths here and then turn to the left, coming in the asana on the opposite side.

7.  Afterwards take a few moments in childs pose or savasana to allow your body to release, relax and restore.

Upcoming Events

Yoga By The Sea – Weather Permitting:)
Enjoy Yoga On The Oceanfront Deck in Cowichan Bay

Flow with your breath. Connect with your spirit. Move into your being. More yin then power yoga these classes are great for all levels of yogi, offering a challenge to those more experienced, yet very accessible to the beginner. Flowing at times, we learn to be with our breath, our body, and our thoughts as we melt into the asanas. Experiencing the moment, opening the heart and the mind, and accepting the energy of being where we are, at the same time creating strength, stamina, and flexibility. Always infused with spirit and bliss, and lots of smiles:) Yoga poses, pranayama, and relaxation are all experienced in these classes.

Thursday Afternoons in September~ 4-5:30 pm
Saturday Mornings in September~ 10-11:30 am

Call 250 597 3973 for more information

Autumn Morning Yoga in Downtown Duncan

Flow with your breath. Connect with your spirit. Move into your being. More yin then power yoga these classes are great for all levels of yogi, offering a challenge to those more experienced, yet very accessible to the beginner. Flowing at times, we learn to be with our breath, our body, and our thoughts as we melt into the asanas. Experiencing the moment, opening the heart and the mind, and accepting the energy of being where we are, at the same time creating strength, stamina, and flexibility. Always infused with spirit and bliss, and lots of smiles:) Yoga poses, pranayama, and relaxation are all experienced in these classes.

8 week session-
Beginning Wednesday, October 5
9-10:30 am
Entire session $80

For the class to happen I do need a certain number of full registrars, drop ins will be welcome too:)
Call me at 250 597 3973 for information
or the Recreation Center at 250 748 7529 to register.

Thank you once again for sharing your time with me~ I so appreciate it.  Feel free to write me with any questions or feedback.  I enjoy each and every connection I have with all of you:)  I wish you all such a joyous and wonderful month~ wherever you are… as you bask in the beauty of your perfect being:)
Much Peace

For those of you on Facebook I have a Facebook Page too:)

Ananda Ayurveda

Massage, Bodywork, Tarot, Intuition, Ayurvedic Cooking, Jyotish Astrology, Yoga, Counseling, Wellness Retreats ~ Near Duncan, in the beautiful Cowichan Valley , Vancouver Island, B.C. ~